After almost 6 months into the pandemic, we’ve acquired some nice routines and habits
Ellie just released her second harvest of butterflies.
I’m making keto bread presently.
JoAn is out walking with a friend and will walk another friend’s dog afterwards.
Ellie and I go to the park twice a week to play catch with our mitts and hardball (she’s quite the pitcher), also we throw around a football, some volleyball practice and skateboarding.
We are all in school remotely. Ellie is in 9th grade at Crossroads, JoAn is working on a spiritual degree to become a chaplain and I’m taking writing and political science classes at SMC’s Emeritus Campus.
JoAn orders Blue Apron dinners that Ellie and I prepare together.
JoAn is gardening in our patio and I’m gardening the area behind our garage.
Ellie is helping me learn French.
I’m share some photos soon!