Reading the news for laughs and ideas

CNN headlines like “Ex-Trump aide: Hard to defend something stupid”, Fox News “Texas dad spins gun with finger at daughter’s birthday, accidentally shoots self in stomach”, Slate News “My Boyfriend Is, Uh, Huge, How can I make this work … physically?”, or the LA Times “These grandparents sold gay porn for decades and almost went to prison. Now, they are calling it quits”.

I’m not making these up. The first news I scan every morning comes from Apple News since I’m using an iPad.

Seriously, plenty of tragic stories, boring stories, stupid stories BUT a wonderful source of laughs and ideas.

Today’s idea comes from an article in the LA Times (my second choice for news, then comes the NY Times, followed by Fox News-think broad scope:)

The headline read, “At L.A.’s only cookbook shop, a former fine-dining chef draws chefs, home cooks and crowds”.

Now, keep this quiet please, the idea I type out on my phone…Look into renting space in Santa Monica after arranging partnership with Amazon Books and Starbucks! Brilliant, right?

Amazon and Starbucks have been leaving mom & pop enterprises and small business trampled in the wake of their disruptive business models. Amazon has changed forever how we shop and Starbucks has rented every other corner establishment in every popular city.

Anyways, a typical morning for me. Reading online for fun and ideas. Next up for the morning, exercise and cooking my breakfast and lunch to take to work:) Cheers!

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