Diet experimentation…

Started tinkering last September with ‘intermittent fasting’ that has gained some popularity. intermittent fasting. A co-worker and I challenged each other on how far into the morning we would ‘break – fast’.

Intermittent fasting is a legitimate option they might want to consider, claims a new review in the Dec. 26 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

“The state of the science on intermittent fasting has evolved to the point that it now can be considered as one approach, with exercise and healthy food, to improving and maintaining health as a lifestyle approach,” said senior author Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist with Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.

There are two main ways to adopt intermittent fasting into your life, Mattson said:

  • Daily time-restricted feeding gives you a narrow window during which you can eat, usually 6 to 8 hours each day.
  • 5:2 intermittent fasting requires that people only eat one moderate-sized meal on two days each week.

My co-worker (40 years younger than me) is quite competitive and would not eat until 11:00am. I would often give in around 9 or 10am. We both targeted around 6 or 7 pm to eat our second and last meal. I have often completed my dinner by 6 pm for an 8:00 pm bedtime.

For Christmas, JoAn gave me a barbell set and I started a three day a week routine I’ve kept since. The week after Christmas I started a Keto diet. (I know, how ‘California’ of me:)

I plan to go into detail about my Keto diet….and my 5-day Prolon fast I plan to complete tomorrow.


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