Yesterday’s post was a big decision on my part of course. Starting a third marriage and child-rearing in your mid 50s is, well, a bit crazy. I’m guessing most men in their mid-50s are either looking to rest & relax OR the opposite, called a mid-life crisis. If mine was a mid-life crisis, I dare say, I’m enjoying it way too much.
The only point I want to make today is in the title of this post. Decisions we make along our journey ALL matter! How we feel about our decisions matters even more. If we don’t like our decisions, it’s like, we don’t like ourselves. Own your decisions AND feel free to ‘decide’ another direction.
By my mid-50s, (I’m 69 now) I had made countless decisions, big and small, wise and stupid, fruitful and empty. They are all linked in the long chain of events that makes up my life.
What weighs more – fate or decisions?
I will say (please comment) decisions weigh more. We decide a certain direction in life that put us in a place and circumstance that fate ‘toys’ with. Good and bad shit happen beyond our control, but the ‘where’ we are at- both physically and spiritually is our own doing. Weigh in:)