After spending seven years with us, Rocky died yesterday. Of course, we all cried, hugged and most importantly, checked in with each other on a heightened level it seems only death can bring on.
All three of us had a different but satisfyingly close kinship with this small ‘satin’ rabbit, known for their soft fur. Unfortunately, this breed often falls victim to osteodystrophy as Rocky surcumb to in the end.
It was such a delight to hold this little guy because it always felt like a tiny baby looking up at you. We’ll all miss him.
For seven years, the only sound Rocky made was chewing, moving around and on rare occasions, thumping with his hind legs. However, JoAn was with Rocky when he died and says he gave out an erie squeal just before taking two last gasps of air.
Rocky was a gift to Ellie on her 6th birthday, a promise I made her when she was two and asking for a pet. Retrieved from the Burbank Animal shelter, he was already named because he fought with other rabbits and was cagged alone.
Rocky added tons of love to an household welcoming to all the love it can receive. Every visitor, especially children wanted to see, pet, or hold the ‘Rockmeister’.
Thanks for the life you shared with us Rocky!